How to Find the Best Contractors for New Roof Leaks

Investing in a new roof for your home is never a small decision. Not only are roofs an integral part of any home or commercial building, but they are also responsible for protecting the inside of the home from the elements. That’s why when you discover new roof leaks, you will likely feel extremely frustrated and overwhelmed. However, anytime you encounter new roof leaks, there are a few ways to address the issue and find a remedy that is just right for your needs.


Tips for Dealing With New Roof Leaks


When you discover new roof leaks, your immediate reaction might be to angrily call up the residential roofing service that installed the roof. While this is an important step, there are a few tips to help ensure your roof and home remain as protected as possible while you await professional repair assistance.


Address the Issue(s) Immediately


Anytime you encounter new roof leaks, it’s imperative to address the issues as quickly as possible. Avoiding a potential leak is not only a way to allow the leak to spread, but it can cause irreparable damage to the interior of your roof and attic. When dealing with new roofs, it’s best to address the issue as fast as you can to avoid requiring another brand-new roof. Schedule a professional residential roofing service repair as soon as you can.


Locate the Leak


When it comes to new roof leaks, it’s imperative to locate the leak immediately. The faster you are able to locate the roof leak’s origin, the easier it will be to determine the best course of action to take. Once you locate the leak, you can also take appropriate steps to mitigate further water damage or moisture buildup in the home or on top of your roof itself.


Remove Surrounding Belongings


You should take the time to remove all surroundings that are located beneath or around the location of the roof leak. This will help to protect your belongings and furniture while you address the root cause of the leak.


Place Buckets


If you find specific areas on your roof that are leaking, place buckets beneath the holes in your attic to catch the water. This will prevent the water from seeping into your floor or causing additional damage to other areas throughout your home.


Take Photographic and Video Evidence


Anytime you are dealing with new roof leaks, it’s essential to back up your claim. Even if you are working with a commercial roofing business that offers work guarantees, any type of evidence is highly advisable to back up your claim. Having photographic and video evidence will also help when filing an insurance claim and working to repair or replace the roofing issues you are currently experiencing.


Drain Standing and Surrounding Wate


Unfortunately, when discovering a new roof leak, it’s possible that water will already be accumulating. If this is the case, you should take the time to drain any standing and surrounding water in your attic or below your roof leak. If there is power in your attic area, be sure to disconnect all power in your home before attempting to enter any area where standing water is present.


Draining the standing and surrounding water will also provide you with clearer access to the roof leaks. If you are not comfortable with attempting to drain the water from your roof leak, you can work with professionals who specialize in roof repairs and remediation solutions in your local area.


Use a Tarp Temporarily


If the roof leak you are dealing with is visible from the exterior of your property, consider using a tarp temporarily to block additional water from entering the roof and home. A tarp can help mitigate moisture buildup while allowing any water that touches your roof to easily roll off of the roof and onto the ground. This will also help to reduce the amount of water that seeps into the home or into your home’s attic space.


If you’re new to applying a tarp to any area of your roof, consider using multiple wooden boards to keep the tarps in place. Ensure you have at least 4 feet of the excess tarp around all edges that you want to be locked down to ensure the tarp remains in place, especially in the event of bad weather.


Contact Your Previous Roofers


Anytime you are tasked with dealing with new roof leaks, it’s important to contact the roofers who were responsible for installing the new roof in the first place. Typically, professional roofing companies that offer both residential roofing and commercial roofing solutions offer warranties and work guarantees.


However, it is important to note that this is not always the case if the roofing contractor you employ to install a roof is not licensed or insured. Whenever you are hiring a roofing company or a general roofing contractor, it’s imperative to verify that they are able to work as licensed and insured professionals in residential or commercial properties.


If your roof’s damage was caused by the contractor or roofing company you hired, there is a good chance that the work will be covered under a standard warranty. Issues such as improper flashing, poor shingle installation, or even forgetting to nail various areas of the roof down may all qualify for coverage under the company’s individual warranty policy.


Other issues that may be prevalent with new roofs might include manufacturing problems. Manufacturing issues may include low-quality shingles or other materials that were used in the process of installing your new roof. In this case, you may need to contact the manufacturer responsible for the issue regarding the leak directly. In this instance, the wait time is often much longer than when going directly through the warranty provided by the roofing contractor or company.


Get in Touch With Your Insurance Provider


Regardless of how long you have lived in your home, anytime you encounter new roof leaks you should contact your insurance provider immediately. Filing a claim with your home insurance company may be possible if there is any other damage that has been caused by the roof leak. This can include structural damage, mold growth, and even direct damage to appliances and furniture.


Be sure to take photos and video evidence of any damage that has been done to the interior of your home if you are thinking of filing a claim with your home insurance provider.


Risks of Avoiding Roof Leaks


Unfortunately, allowing your roof leak to sit without any action can lead to disastrous consequences, both financially and in relation to your property itself. If you do not address roof leaks that are occurring in your home, bigger problems are likely to lie ahead.


Mildew and Mold Growth


The growth of mold and mildew poses serious risks to members of your household. Even if mold appears harmless, it can become quite dangerous for those with asthma or weakened immune systems. Even if you pinpoint the location of the mold, it’s important to seek remediation services as quickly as possible.


Mold has the ability to spread its spores not only through attics, basements, and any other spaces where water has accumulated but also through HVAC systems. When mold spores are transferred through ventilation and HVAC systems, allergies are much more likely to increase in the home.


Additional breakouts, allergic responses, and even allergen-induced asthma attacks may become more commonplace when mold is present in the home. Serious and even life-threatening respiratory infections can occur, especially in those with weakened and/or compromised immune systems when exposed to mold for any extended period of time.


Damaged Flooring and Ceilings


Another risk of allowing your roof leak to continue without any intervention is the permanent damage to the surrounding floors and ceilings directly impacted by the leaks. Not only can water damage stain and darken floors and surrounding ceilings, but the water can eventually cause structural damage or weaken your home’s floors altogether.


Repairs to water damage to ceilings and floors can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to upwards of a few thousand dollars depending on when the problem is noticed, addressed, and remedied.


Permanent Insulation Damage


In addition to damaging the floors and ceilings that surround a roof leak in your home, you also run the risk of permanent insulation damage. Depending on the location and severity of the roof leak, insulation damage can occur rather quickly. Once the water from outside begins to enter the home and into your attic space, it will seep into the existing insulation you have in place. This can quickly ruin the insulation, causing it to become ineffective and useless, requiring a complete replacement.


Replacing insulation in an average home can cost anywhere between a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the size of your home and the extent of the damage done to your insulation.


Drywall Damage


Unfortunately, allowing your roof to leak can lead to serious issues in the home when it comes to your home’s structural integrity. This can also lead to drywall damage and sagging when a roof leak is left unattended and uncontrolled. When drywall begins to sag or buckle, it is a clear indicator that the water damage is much too great. In these instances, you will likely need to turn to a professional remediation specialist or drywall repair contractor to rebuild the spaces that have been directly impacted by the new roof leak in your home.


Finding Professional Roofing Contractors


Locating professional roofing services is essential whenever you intend to deal with new reroof leaks head-on. Even after you contact previous roofers who have worked on your roof’s initial installation, you might want to find an alternative source for future repairs, updates, and replacements. Finding a suitable roofing contractor can be done by being a bit resourceful with local and online directories.


Consider Roofing Needs


Before choosing a roofing company to repair your roof leaks, consider your exact needs and whether or not you may require additional maintenance or repair services in the future. It’s also important to keep the type of roof you have in mind while seeking a roofing contractor. For instance, if you require metal roof repair, you will need to find roofing contractors who are well-versed in working with metal roofs and roofs that utilize your roof’s exact type of metal. For asphalt roofs, you will need to search for asphalt roof contractors who have experience with your type and style of roof.


Research Experience


Selecting a roofing company that you can trust and rely on is also important, especially when it comes to major investments such as a brand-new roof or major repairs. Spend time researching the extent of the experience individual roofers or companies you are thinking of hiring have in business.


You can also learn more about the extent of experience a roofer has by asking to see their portfolio. Portfolios provide valuable insight into the quality of work that is provided by individuals and companies as well as the level of experience a business has when it comes to residential roofing and commercial roofing. When reviewing the portfolios of roofers, take time to compare styles of roofing that they have the most experience with professionally.


Ask questions about solutions, packages, timelines, and guarantees. Learn more about the process each contractor deploys before making a decision.


Verify Credentials


Anytime you are working with a contractor in any capacity, it’s imperative to verify the credentials of the company or contractor themselves. When employing a professional roofer, credentials may range from standard roofing licensing and insurance to additional certifications, depending on the type of work you’re looking for from the providers.


If you choose to hire a roofer who is not currently licensed or insured, there may be little to no recourse when discovering new roof leaks after a roof installation is complete. This is why it is so important to ensure that any contractor you hire to work on your home’s roof or anywhere in your house is fully licensed and insured as a professional contractor in your jurisdiction.


Discovering new roof leaks after you have just had a roof installed is extremely frustrating. However, by taking the appropriate actions and contacting the roofing contractor who installed the roof immediately, you can address the new roof leaks calmly, cordially, and with a solution that works for everyone.

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