With over 5.7 million people currently residing in Colorado, it should come as no surprise that the state’s resources can potentially become strained. This has become particularly apparent in the COVID-19 pandemic, which has left millions of people out of work and many struggling to make ends meet. Though the state offers funding and benefits like unemployment for those suffering due to the pandemic, these are not available to everyone. For that matter, as we enter a second wave of the pandemic, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that Colorado’s resources may become strained. Fortunately, nonprofit organizations both formed in response to the pandemic and well ahead of its occurrence are rising to the challenge and helping Coloradans like never before.
There are numerous nonprofit organizations across Colorado, servicing many different groups. While some of these branch off of larger national nonprofits, others are specifically focused on Coloradan issues. Of course, it’s important that these nonprofit organizations are not only available to those in need but being supported by those that can afford to donate their time and money.
The issue is not necessarily a lack of nonprofit organizations, but a lack of awareness regarding those organizations. This means that not only are people not able to take advantage of their offerings; the nonprofit organizations themselves may also be missing out on potential resources and fundraising opportunities. That’s why we’re exploring some of Colorado’s most noteworthy organizations that are doing great things within the state. As you conduct a Colorado nonprofit search, remember that in order for these organizations to continue doing beneficial things for state residents, they need to be supported.
1. Great Outdoors Colorado
When conducting a Colorado nonprofit search, you may initially think about nonprofits that operate similarly to major organizations like Salvation Army. But not all nonprofit organizations operate in the same manner and some further causes that you may not initially associate with nonprofits, which are nevertheless hugely beneficial. Great Outdoors Colorado is actually dedicated to the stewardship of the land, as well as equitable access to that land for all. What this means is that it’s able to offer financial resources to projects that are meant to better the great outdoors, and particularly community spaces that can be shared by everyone. This could start with something as simple as landscaping services, and extend out to further reinvigoration efforts.
Though Colorado obviously possesses a great deal of amazing land, there is often an issue with making that land safe and accessible for the average person. For example, it can be difficult for people to go camping if a property isn’t cleared properly. Public parks need benches available, as well as bathrooms for families. Great Outdoors Colorado also covers trails, rivers, wildlife, and open spaces in general. The more this land is stimulated, the more easily it can be used for sustainability purposes. Through grants, Great Outdoors Colorado can help stewards explore the advantages of hydroseeding and other renewal strategies, rebuilding Colorado’s wilderness and ensuring that it will be available for the public at large for the long term.
2. Hope House of Colorado
When making a Colorado nonprofit search, you may quickly discover that some of the most vulnerable people in Colorado are young, underprivileged mothers. This is why Hope House Colorado exists. It’s the only nonprofit organization that serves young mothers in the metro area, who are often left without resources due to the fact that many of these women are in their teens when they have children. Hope House offers numerous free resources to these women with the goal of not only helping these mothers but ensure that they can be self-sufficient in the future. These resources include a GED program, college and career programs, residential, and its yearly Hope House Christmas Shop. The Christmas Shop is particularly special in that it incentivizes women to earn points throughout the year through their efforts, whether they’re working on their career plans or attending online classes. They can then spend their points at the Christmas Shop, buying gifts for their children and family members. The benefits are twofold. Not only do the women get the gifts that they wish to offer; they’re also doing things that help them in the long term.
Hope House of Colorado also offers mothers a residential program, through which they and their children are provided with temporary housing as they get on their feet. The women in these programs usually come from unsafe environments, or would otherwise be homeless. Offering a 12-bedroom home, Hope House of Colorado gives these women respite housing lasting anywhere from one week to nine months. At the same time, the mothers will still be expected to participate in college financial aid planning, parenting classes, and more. They also can take part in classes that teach them about healthy relationships and prepare them with practical skills for the future. When making a Colorado nonprofit search, you’ll likely discover rather quickly that organizations like Hope House of Colorado need help from volunteers and donors. Volunteers can utilize their various skills to help the organization prepare teen moms for their futures. Donors, on the other hand, can donate both money and products like diapers, food, and other supplies.
3. Bikes for Tykes
When working through a Colorado nonprofit search, you may initially be surprised by Bikes for Tykes. The organization ensures that all children and families in need receive bicycles. But you may wonder: why is this so important? Bikes for Tykes actually offers a number of different benefits in the long term, setting up children for success with good habits. Firstly, the organization posits that children are empowered by the usage of bicycles, as it gives them pride and something to care for and put effort into. Furthermore, bicycles can help fight childhood obesity, a major issue across the United States. Through bikes, children are better able to exercise and stay fit while at the same time having fun. Bikes for Tykes is also considered a green initiative, as it encourages growing children to get around via bicycle when they’re older rather than simply relying upon cars like most adults. Additionally, the bicycles donated through Bikes for Tykes are often recycled and therefore are given away for charitable purposes rather than ending up in a landfill.
Like many organizations you’ll find through your Colorado nonprofit search, Bikes for Tykes offers largely with the help of tax-deductible financial donations. Bikes for Tykes also offers an online shop, selling bike-related supplies that supporters can buy while at the same time benefiting the nonprofit. Bikes for Tykes also accepts donations in the form of used bicycles, as long as they are still in good condition. Therefore, you can potentially help this charity while at the same time ridding yourself of items that you no longer need.
4. Colorado Housing Connects
In a post-COVID-19 world, it’s especially important that nonprofit organizations like Colorado Housing Connects exist. You may very well be making a Colorado nonprofit search because you or someone you care about is actually suffering from a housing-related crisis right now. Due to the financial stresses caused by pandemic, countless people have become uncertain about their housing situations. When your industry is under pressure due to the pandemic, it might be difficult for you to make rent and you could be facing eviction. Not only will you not be aware of your own rights, however; you probably won’t have the finances necessary to get in touch with tenant attorneys or access to similar resources. While Colorado Housing Connects isn’t solely available to renters, it’s especially beneficial to them right now. But homebuyers and homeowners shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with the organization if they need help in Colorado.
Colorado Housing Connects is generally dedicated to helping Coloradans gain access to fair housing and housing resources. If your home is facing foreclosure and you’re attempting to delay or stop that foreclosure, the organization could help you get in touch with foreclosure lawyers. The organization can also answer questions in general about housing, and essentially help people get on their feet and handle their housing issues in a measured way. Colorado Housing Connects is supported through different partnerships, including local housing partnerships. Even landlords can benefit from Colorado Housing Connects, which means that it is able to foster growth in multiple ways.
5. Wreaths Across America
When performing your Colorado nonprofit search, you’ll inevitably discover nonprofit organizations that are not solely found in Colorado. As the title suggests, Wreaths Across America does not solely serve Colorado residents. However, it’s an important organization that Colorado residents should be able to take advantage of and assist. The mission of Wreaths Across America is really one that reaches Americans across the country. The organization aims to commemorate fallen servicemen and women across the nation every day, rather than simply on Veterans Day or Memorial Day. While fallen servicemen and women benefit from special funeral services, after that service their graves can easily fall into disrepair and become forgotten. This is especially true for those who died long ago or died without an abundance of nearby friends and family. Wreaths Across America instructs people to Remember, Honor, and Teach regarding these servicemen and women. This is done in part by laying wreaths upon their gravestones.
Although Wreaths Across America conducts regular wreath-laying ceremonies in cemeteries across the country (with over 60 locations in Colorado participating in this past year) there are also more specialized ceremonies occurring as well. These include special ceremonies held at Pearl Harbor and the Pentagon among other locations, as well as the HART Ceremony. The HART Ceremony is conducted each year to remember fallen allies of the United States across the world. It also offers the Remembrance Tree Program, which allows Gold Star families to create personal dog tags in honor of their loved ones. They will then place those dog tags at the base of the trunks of balsam trees. These trees would usually be harvested to create wreaths, but instead are left as living memorials for those fallen servicemen and women. This can be just as therapeutic as burial services for Gold Star families and is hugely important. Supporters of Wreaths Across America are able to volunteer to place wreaths, organize ceremonies and sponsorship groups, donate trucking services, and offer corporate support.
6. Mesa County Solar Co-op
When furthering your Colorado nonprofit search, you may find yourself looking for organizations that can directly benefit you. The Mesa County Solar Co-op is particularly intriguing in this sense, as it offers homeowners more accessible options in terms of transitioning to solar energy. Solar energy has been proven to have environmental benefits, and the usage of solar panels can actually help you save money on your energy bills. The Co-op itself allows people to group together in order to get discounts on solar energy installations, and furthermore allows them to pool their collective buying power.
As with many co-ops, the Mesa County Solar Co-op also offers members the benefits that come with community. People who join the co-op obviously have common interests in renewable energy, and the fact is that the ability to benefit in a mutual sense can band people together. The Co-op offers open applications when it has the space available for new members, though this can change regularly. Though not everyone can take advantage of a co-op the way that they theoretically would when using a non-profit organization, the Mesa County Solar Co-op is nonetheless a potentially beneficial option for many Coloradans. Ideally, its success will inspire similar missions.
As you further your Colorado nonprofit search, you may be surprised by how many resources are readily available to you. It’s important that we keep these resources available by donating to and volunteering for nonprofits and organizations like the Mesa County Solar Co-op that do good for Coloradans. These organizations offer everything from legal advice to classes, helping people get on their feet and help themselves in the long term. In many ways, they are the backbone of Colorado.