Whether you live in the Centennial State full-time or you only live there during certain months out of the year, making yourself aware of the various risks that a Colorado homeowner encounters could allow you to make the adjustments you need to your home to avoid it being affected by tragic natural disasters or racking up high bills from damage that is preventable for those with the proper knowledge about threats to properties in CO. Homeowners in all fifty states face certain risks that are inevitable for all property owners. Still, there are some issues that you’re more likely to face in this state than you would be on the opposite side of the country or in another state nearby.
For a diligent Colorado resident, it can feel comforting to know that there are risks you can easily identify and ways to prevent those issues from becoming expensive or challenging to repair if you know what to do. Those who like to take more of a relaxed approach to home ownership may find it tedious to research all of the possible problems that could arise in their home in this state, so we’ve compiled a list below of the main major risks that face a property in Colorado. While there may be aspects of this list that don’t apply to your home or risks that your home may face depending on the age or build of the property, this list provides a starting place for figuring out what you need to do to prepare your home for the main problems we see homeowners in this state struggling to resolve.
How to Know if Your Home Is at Risk
The only surefire way to know if your home may have risk factors that contribute to a higher level of risk is by consulting with the appropriate professionals such as contractors who work in your area or real estate agents if you haven’t purchased a property yet. Home inspectors should also be able to foresee potential problems that may crop up later in your home’s existence if you don’t address them now. Additionally, specialized contractors who work in industries such as window treatment, roof repairs, and plumbing may have an idea of what risks impact specific parts of the home as well as how you can lower your level of risk in those areas.
Some risks are possible to mitigate with the right preventative measures and strategies while others may be impossible to predict until your home has been impacted. Still, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t make every effort to make your home as safe, stable, and secure as possible so that you don’t fall victim to some of the issues that commonly plague homeowners in our state. Although you might feel powerless to stop some things from happening to your home, you can do what you can to control how you respond to emergencies and take a proactive role in protecting your property from damage.
Issues with the Roof
When your roof is leaking or damaged, you’ll want to call a roofing contractor to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Since Colorado temperatures can dip dangerously low in the winter, it’s best to ensure that your roof is effective and safe so you don’t lose precious heat during the coldest season of the year. When we get a lot of precipitation through rain or snow, it can take a toll on rooftops and cause them to wear out faster than they might in other areas.
For the average Colorado homeowner, it’s a good idea to get your roof inspected at least once a year or however, frequently your roof contractor suggests. You should also plan to replace your roof every two to three decades depending on the state of the roof. If you have an asphalt roof, it may have different needs than an aluminum roof so it’s wise to consult with a roof repair specialist who understands how to handle the material of the roof and what you should expect as potential risks to your type of roof.
Natural Disaster Damage
While a Colorado homeowner might be blessed with the lack of hurricanes here, we have plenty of natural disasters that should concern those who own properties in this state even if they don’t live here all year round. From wildfires to floods to blizzards to tornadoes, many natural disasters can affect our region and require us to call a disaster restoration company. For long-term residents of Colorado, preparing for the disasters that tend to affect our region may feel like second nature but for folks who have only lived here for a short while, it may take more research to feel competent in weatherizing your home against the disasters that tend to affect us.
Before you worry about having to pay for damage related to natural disasters on your own, you should call your homeowners insurance company and ask them what disasters qualify for coverage. Although some disasters don’t qualify for protection under these types of policies, some disasters may qualify in certain circumstances. You can also work on building up your savings to pay for this kind of damage as a Colorado homeowner and look into local natural disaster relief funds before you find yourself in that situation.
Garage Door Malfunction
For a Colorado homeowner, having a garage door that works properly is an important aspect of maintaining your home. Likewise, a broken garage door can put your home at risk of theft if it’s staying open constantly or it can put your car at risk of being exposed to the elements if you need to park it outside of the garage overnight without shelter or protection from precipitation. When your garage door doesn’t work, it may be possible to call a contractor to fix the current door so you don’t have to invest in a new garage door.
Clogged Drains and Pipes
If you live in an older home, you may find that the pipes and drains aren’t as efficient as they would be for a Colorado homeowner who has a newer build. Still, most drain cleaning services should understand the root of the problem and know how to use techniques to clean the drains that are gentle on old plumbing. If you have concerns about certain materials that were used to build the pipes such as lead, you can ask about lead testing services when plumbers service your drains so you don’t have to waste multiple trips for them to come out to your house and get these jobs done.
Dirty or Damaged Chimney
While a Colorado homeowner doesn’t necessarily have a chimney, those who do have chimneys attached to their houses may want to call in the professionals if they decide they’d like to use this attachment to their home. Although some chimneys may be safe to use, others may be filled with dirt, dust, and debris that makes them hazardous to use without asking a chimney cleaning company to service them first. A chimney that’s full of dirt could create a fire hazard if you decide to light the fireplace, so it’s not a good idea to use it if you recently moved into a new property unless it’s been inspected and cleared by the appropriate professionals in the field.
Withering Trees
Whether you have beautiful evergreens to create a sense of privacy or you have some small saplings that you just planted in your yard, you should invest in hiring professional tree care services to ensure that the trees remain healthy and strong. While there may be a Colorado homeowner out there who knows all about caring for trees and can do it on their own, many of those who own homes don’t know the first thing about caring for trees if they don’t work in a related field. For this reason, it’s a good idea to leave this type of work to professionals who have spent years training in the tree care industry and removing dead trees through professional services, as well.
Plumbing Problems
When your toilet is flooding or your shower refuses to drain, it’s time to call in professional plumbers to help. Every Colorado homeowner should have at least one plumber on their contact list that they trust for emergencies and a plumber for work that may have a longer timeline for completion. When you’re plumbing system isn’t working properly, it puts you and your loved ones at risk for illnesses related to dampness.
With plumbing that is rusting away, it can harm your household in several different ways. If a pipe completely rusts and breaks off, it can fall and hit someone hard enough to injure them. Inefficient plumbing can also cause you to spend more money on your water bill than you can afford and make financial sacrifices in other areas of your life to make ends meet.
HVAC System Issues
Since the temperatures in our state can go to extremes, every Colorado homeowner should keep an eye on how their HVAC system is functioning. If you notice that your heater or your AC unit isn’t working, it’s time to consult with HVAC repair companies to see what they can do to resolve the issue as soon as possible. When your home is too hot or too cold, it can open the door to illness and other hazards for your household.
If your HVAC system has mold or other contaminants in it, it can make your family sick and reduce your quality of life. Additionally, some HVAC issues present a risk of fire that could ruin your house and all of the belongings in it. On top of these risks, HVAC systems that malfunction can cost a lot of money to replace and they can force you to spend money on alternative lodging while the system is being repaired so it’s wise to get them inspected regularly to prevent small issues from ballooning into problems that require you to pay for a new HVAC system.
The Presence of Mold
Considered by some to be the silent killer, mold is no joke. It can cause a range of health issues in folks who are exposed to it and certain types of mold can be more life-threatening than others. If you suspect that your home may have a mold problem, you shouldn’t delay scheduling a mold inspection from a professional.
Since mold can be a problem in our area, a Colorado homeowner should test for mold regularly. While you might not be able to see it in your home, that doesn’t mean it’s not present or that it doesn’t present a major risk to your loved ones who live in the home with you. Some people may have mold sensitivities or allergies that cause them to be more affected by it so it’s important to inspect your home for it if you live with family members who struggle with this issue.
Come Together with Loved Ones and Professionals
If you own a home with a spouse or other family members in CO, you may want to share this information with them and call a family meeting to come up with a strategy for how you’ll address these risks moving forward. By working together, you can take some of the stress out of figuring out the best way to lower risk factors and increase protective factors for your home. For those who don’t live in the property year-round, ensuring that your secondary dwelling insurance policy covers everything you need and increasing your policy if necessary can be a great way to give yourself a sense of peace about the issue.
In conclusion, a Colorado homeowner shouldn’t take the route of “ignorance is bliss” to deal with potential problems in their home or property. The more you know about the main risks you and other homeowners face in your area, the less you’ll be impacted by them if you can properly prepare for them and address them. While it can be daunting to learn that your home needs some improvements to be as safe and stable as it can be, it’s better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best instead of keeping your head in the sand about these issues